Saturday, March 24, 2007

Master Bathroom...

..or Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory??

My bathroom is starting to resemble a lab with all the spare parts laying around!! Between the boobs and the wigs, not looking so much like a bathroom anymore!!

Saw the Plastic Surgeon yesterday. She is happy with the way I have healed, and we are looking at the end of June to begin the reconstruction process. I really, really, don't want another surgery, but, the end result will be worth it. She said to make sure to stress to the hospital when they call (pre op calls) that I really don't want to throw up. She said to make sure I say that over and over. That way they will do everything they can to make sure I don't get sick from the anesthesia.

I'm not getting my normal days this time around. Granted I don't feel terrible, but not getting back to normal like I did last time. And going from constipation to diarrhea in 3 days--not fun!! I don't recommend it! I am afraid to take anything for one or the other--afraid it will lead me back in the other direction!!

I saw Ceci yesterday. She has more hair than me right now. It is still pretty light though, so a pic with her would still be cute! I am holding an open house at Susie and B's tomorrow. I really hope they get a contract on it. The lady who owns the house now that they are wanting to buy doesn't want to give them and extension on the contract. She says they haven't really tried to sell their home. Isn't that rich coming from someone who's house has been on the market for well over a year!! And was overpriced (her fault) for a lot of that! I believe the woman doesn't want to move. It is a divorce situation. Which of course can get sticky!! So hopefully Susie and B get a contract on theirs, then she will have to stick with it.

Still waiting on the new little one from Ann. She is the most impatient out of all of us I am sure. She is due today. So much for going before her due date.