Monday, May 14, 2007

Is it June 5th yet??

Well, I am not nauseous that is good. I am extremely achy though. I think that is better, but still sucks!! And this is not an achy I can explain. It is way deeper than a flu ache. It is mostly from my hips down, but I do get aches on the upper portion of my body too. On the ride home last night I had a pain in my ribs. I get up to walk and my heels will hurt. Last time this lasted about 3 days. This time it has been a little over 3 days, starting Thursday night. I am hoping it goes away later today-tomorrow at the latest. Tylenol and hot baths don't help. I am really hoping this doesn't last longer each time. Only 2 more treatments and I can't wait! Walking in the Relay will be interesting with this ache! One of the other side effects of Taxol is neuropathy--numbing of the fingers and toes. I am taking vitamin B6 three times a day to help with this. I noticed Friday though that the index finger on my right had is numbing. The left hand index finger is too, but the right is worse. This hopefully goes away when treatment is done.

Mother's day was nice. The girls got me a Teddy Bear (LOVE teddy bears!) and a stuffed eagle bobble head. They are cute, and sitting on my computer desk. My mom and dad got me something too!! They got me a tree rose. I have always wanted one of those. I can't wait to see what it looks like in the middle of summer on the deck!

Friday I got a call from the school to pick up Haley. She had managed to get a paper cut on her eye. I couldn't see anything, and her eye wasn't even bloodshot. I took her to the dr though, I didn't want it to get worse over the weekend, when the dr is gone. The way they find the scratch is kind of cool. They put this dye in her eye, then use a black light to find it. The scratch was way off to the side. He said we didn't need to cover it, and gave us a prescription for an antibiotic. Honestly, I have given her the antibiotic. Unless you ask her about it, she forgets she has the scratch. I hate to put something in her eye, even medicine.

It is supposed to be 90 today!! That is insane! It is too early in the year for that. Jenna will come home crabby, wanting to know why the air isn't turned on. I have to admit that I will be tempted today, but with tomorrow only supposed to be 76, it doesn't seem worth it.