Monday, April 2, 2007

10 Reasons Why....

Being bald isn't so bad...

This is a current topic on the Ysc boards. It gave me a chuckle, and I wanted to share.

10. When driving to work, never have to wonder, worry, or obsess if curling iron was left on.

9. No gut-wrenching decisions about having a perm, getting a short cut, or wearing it long and wavy.

8. Gray hair? No problem. . . it no longer shows.

7. Can take on new personality according to wig and/or hat style and stay in character all day.

6. Fun and exciting to elicit startle responses by appearing in public with nothing on head except a bow taped on top.

5.Have a great belly laugh at being mistaken for Demi Moore (GIJane), Sigourney Weaver (Alien) or better yet, Andre Agassi.

4. Save money on shampoo and conditioners and spend it on hot oil head massages . . . body massages if there’s enough oil.

3. Can entertain people sitting behind you by drawing pictures or writing messages on back of bald head.

2. Get revenge at the hair-stylist who once over-charged for a bad hair cut by telling everyone she is responsible for this “new style.”

1. Have ample time to sit in front of mirror, watch hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows slowly grow back, and get priorities straight.

Now these are good, but people started adding their own....

*Can successfully rob banks by whipping off wig and fooling cops, who aren't looking for a bald woman!

*when truck load of construction guys check you out at a stoplight, you can yank off your wig and ask how they like you now." yes I did this. just a couple of weeks ago. was hilarious.

*LOL! My hair fell off in the line at wal-mart today. I just picked it up and stuffed it in my purse. The lady just stared at me but never said a word. It was hilarious!

*I like when I change wigs for a day/week and someone I haven't seen in a while says, "You've done something with your hair."
And I say, "Yes, I took chemo and let it all fall out."

*Oh, and I have this fun wig with blond highlights that I bought online for $80, and I've had friends say "But I paid $80 just for the highlights!"
I tell them yes, and mine will last FOREVER.

*Just after i shaved my head my husband and I were standing in the hair product aisle at a local drug store (buy shampoo for daughters) when 2 teenagers
came by to pick up shampoo - I was standing with a baseball cap on my head and my husband leans over to one of the girls who is picking up a bottle of shampoo and says "I wouldn't buy that if I were you" and points to me. The look on their face, I couldnt stop laughing.

Ok- I just wanted to share that. Hope you got a good laugh!!