Saturday, April 14, 2007

Still here...

I am sooo glad this is the last of the after effects of AC! This week has sucked--and I still don't feel great--but it helps knowing the next time around should be better.

There were a couple of things that helped this time around. One being that the girls didn't have school this week. When the steroids keep me up until anywhere between 2-4 am, it makes it real hard to get them up for school. And once I'm up- I can't go back to sleep. Since they are late sleepers, I have been able to get up at my own pace this week, which I believe has helped. Also, the girls spent the night with Aunt Jenny, Grandma and Grandpa Thursday night. Thursday and Friday are generally the worse days. So this helped!! Still not feeling great today, but I think if I take it slow, I will be ok.

For days 3 and 4 (the bad days) I usually rent movies. I watched "The Prestige" on Thursday. I didn't really remember what this was about, just that I had wanted to see it. It was pretty good. Yesterday I watched "Little Miss Sunshine". Wasn't overly impressed. Not really sure what all the hype was about.

In my insomnia, I caught up on some other late night movies too. The girls and I watched "Earogon" the Wednesday night. It was ok, not as good as I thought it would be. Definitely not on par with Harry Potter. I also watched "Lake House". It was different. Not a big Sandra Bullock fan, but it was ok. "Dark Half" is a Stephen King movie I haven't seen in a long time. I had forgotten most of it. I watched a few others, in part or whole, but none worth mentioning.

I realize at times, there will be information in this blog that you either don't care about, or is too much for you. If this is the case--skip that post. I started this blog for 3 reasons. The first is as a vent for me. It is a way to get these feelings out. A way to put into words what I am feeling, without talking about, or analyzing it. Second, it is here for anyone else that may be going through the same thing, and may stumble on this. Hopefully, it will help them to know they are not alone, and what they are feeling is "normal". Third, it is to update family and friends, so that I do not have to repeat myself over and over. It has worked wonders for this (as well as number one). But again, if at any time, it is too much--don't read!

I hope the weather warms back up like they are saying!! Enough of this cold already!!

Also hoping that Chicago gets the 2016 Olympics!!! Waiting for that announcement!!

Go Chicago!!!