Saturday, February 24, 2007


I know you are never supposed to say never. But this is NOT happening again. I just don't have the patience for it. One friend each, two at the most from now on!! It is sad to say, but I am just not into their birthday this year.

The party at Cindy's shop went good. They got all eight girls done in an hour!! Up do's, toes and fingers painted. Then we had pizza, cake and opened presents in the next hour. I can't believe how fast it all went by. We were back here by 8:30.

The girls played back in the rooms until 10 or so. The going to sleep part is what I have trouble with. Our house is not made with sleepovers in mind. One of our bedroom walls is shared with the family room, and when the tv is on, you can hear it. This is the only time I really wish we had a basement!! Then I could either put all of them in there, or I could go hide in there. I was in my "reading room" with my Mp3 player blasted in my ear, and could still hear them. There were a couple that talked until way late, even though they claimed to be watching a movie. Apparently they didn't know how to whisper. (one of these was mine). They kept turning the tv up b/c they couldn't hear it. One of the girls has to have a fan to fall asleep. I tried to explain that if they left the fan off until after the movie, they would be able to hear better. But of course I don't know anything. AArrrrgh!!! I finally got my pillows and went into Haley's room with the door closed. I managed to dose off for a bit. When I got up I turned off the tv and went to my bed. Then, someone was up at 6:30!! I didn't expect that! They all seem to be having fun. I am just a bear if I don't get enough sleep. Add to that I am coming down with a cold, and am still sore from this damn port!! Not a good combination!!

A half hour to silence!! Then I get to finish getting things ready for the family party. I really hope it isn't a long one, or that I get a nap! Although John wants to go shopping for the girls to get them more! As if a basketball hoop isn't enough!! I did get them a pair of jeans each. I know where he is coming from, but they have so much already, and are bound to get more tonight! Well, maybe if we can find one more thing (quickly) that will be good. The other option is to take them on a mini shopping spree.

Off to finish up cakes and clean the house back up!!