Monday, January 15, 2007

Support Group

Went to a support group for Women's Cancer tonight. I wasn't really sure what to expect. You know me and how private/shy I can be. I had to miss my library board meeting. But considering surgery is Friday--I thought it would be smart to go. This was the first meeting they have had.

It took me about an hour to get there (should have been 30-40 min). Of course it snowed tonight--although not much. I got stuck behind a semi doing 40 in a 55 and braking at every curve! Once I got rid of him, I ended up behind a salt truck. When I did make it to the meeting place, there was only 3 cars in the parking lot. I really debated going in. I almost called John, but I know he would have said "you're already there-you might as well go in". So in I went. The youngest one there. I'm not sure why that bothered me. Ended up with one other lady close to my age.

It started off a little slow, with a speaker on exercise. I just wasn't too interested in her. Then once she left, I thought it would be really awkward, but it wasn't at all. The conversation just sort of opened up and flowed!! Everyone had their story. Although a lot of attention was focused on me, being the newbie and all. Most of the ladies are through their treatments. So they were giving me tips. Most of which I had picked up on the YSC boards, but it was nice to get from these ladies too. And it wasn't all about me. The other ladies and their feelings were discussed too. I kind of wish I could go every month. I would enjoy being friends with these ladies I think. I did get one of their phone numbers. She also had a bilateral mastectomy.

Can you believe that when I got home, John was waiting up?? Well, his version of it--he fell asleep on the couch instead of going to bed. He wanted to know how things went. I thought that was sooo sweet!

Now that I have finally had my dinner, I am off to bed!! I have a lot of running and little things to do over the next 3 days.