Monday, January 1, 2007

New Years Resolutions

How many people make New Years Resolutions?? How many keep them?? I have never been one to even bother thinking about them, but maybe I should.

This year is going to SUCK! I know, terrible attitude for the first day of the year. However, it is realistic. I have a bilateral mastectomy scheduled for Jan. 19th. Hopefully within a few weeks of that, I can get expanders placed to begin the reconstruction process. (Normal boob jobs have breast tissue to hold the implants. I won't have any left. Therefor they place an expander under the chest muscle, which is slowly filled, stretching the muscle and skin.) These expanders are extremely uncomfortable I have heard. They get filled once a week until you reach the point that your implant will fit. (plus a little extra skin) During all of this I will also be going through chemo. How much or how often--I won't know until after surgery. I will lose my hair, feel like crap after each session, possibly be constipated. That is the short list. Then I will get the expander swapped out for the real thing. After that, nipple reconstruction--Yeah! The reconstruction of course all hinges on whether there is any lymph node involvement. If there is and I have to have radiation also, reconstruction will be delayed.

This is all necessary to kill this beast and prevent any recurrence. That I understand. If not for the girls--I would wish this year gone so that I could be past all of this. But I would not want to miss out on any of their growing up.

In light of all I will be going through this year, I do feel I need a few resolutions. And they are the normal ones that everyone says....I need to eat better and work out. I am going to have 18 year old boobs forever~ I need the body to go with it. ( or at least as close as possible!) When this is all said and done, and my boobs look great and my hair grows back, I want to look and feel good all around! I have approximately a year to get the rest of my body in shape. I realize it will be difficult, not just b/c of the will power involved (I DO love to eat and get bored with exercise), but the chemo effects and recovering from surgery also. But I need to do this. I was on track to get healthy before all of this came up. I was back on Weight Watchers and was losing weight before I got sidetracked (sideswiped is more like it). Time to get back on track--no excuses!!

I need to set an example for my girls, and I need to be here to be able to do that! So with this posted for all interested to see, I am hoping to be motivated to do this!!

Heres to 2007 and all that it may hold. And to a bright 2008!!!