Friday, March 21, 2008


..and sleeplessness.

I was out running errands yesterday and started getting a headache. I was hoping to finish what I was doing before it really hit. I was not so lucky. I hadn't eaten, so I thought that may help. One the way home I stopped at Burger King. However the smell made me feel worse. I did have some of that migraine medicine in the car that the dr gave me, I took that. You are supposed to take it when the headache starts, so I waited a little too long. I was not sure I was going to make it home without throwing up. Somehow I did. Thankfully. That headache did finally fade, but didn't go away totally until about 8 last night. I ended up taking some Excedrin Migraine also. Then....I couldn't sleep. That always makes for a fun night. At least we didn't have to get up for school today.

So, a little tired today, but no headache.