Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm Fine Folks!!

Apparently my posts, and/or lack of, are freaking a few people out. I assure you that I am FINE!!! I am allowed to have off days. And I will have them. When I do, I post about them here-occasionally-so that others going through this realize that they are not the first to go through this.

I am normally optimistic. Anyone who knows me, knows this. I copied that article so that on those days that I am not feeling upbeat I won't have people telling me how I have to be happy because it is healthy for me. It is not healthy for me, or anyone, to keep everything they are feeling inside. I am not one to share those negative feelings verbally-so, I write them here. It is a way to get it out for me.

Please, read the disclaimer at the top of this page!!!

On another note, I have been keeping pretty busy this summer and have not had a lot of time to post on here. I will get back to posting when things slow down a little. (probably in the fall). And when I do, I will be starting to gear this more towards a page about my family and less about cancer.

Oh--one more note. I lost another friend this past Friday to this crap. 35 years old. Her son turns 5 tomorrow. More optimistic and full of life than anyone I have ever met. So yeah, that shit hits hard. On several levels. I will post more about Jayme in a few days. When hopefully I won't well up with tears, and will be able to see what the hell I am writing.

Our Relay for Life is this Friday. If you haven't made a donation, please do. The links are on the left. You can donate under my name, John, or the girls. The most important thing is that you donate. Any amount you feel comfortable with can help a great deal.

Nuff said. I'm off to bed.