Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Surgery Tomorrow...

Well, tomorrow is another surgery. I am no where near as stressed about this one. Maybe because there isn't the potential for more bad news (lymph nodes). Maybe because I am beginning the process of getting something back instead of having it taken away. Maybe because I have a couple of surgeries under my belt and I am not quite so terrified. And I was terrified for the mastectomy. Not so much for what they were doing (although that did play on the emotions)but more for the surgery itself. I clearly remember being rolled down that hall terrified out of my mind.

I got about 2 hours sleep last night. I was up late cleaning the house and doing laundry, then just couldn't sleep. I actually have a little bit of laundry to finish. I was up this morning for the Herceptin, and seem to keep going. I did sneak in a long soak in the tub though. I plan on relaxing some tonight. I do also plan on taking the Ativan to make sure I am able to sleep and that my mind doesn't keep me awake.

John's Mom and Dad were down here this morning and took the girls and the dog back with them. Thank you!! That was a huge help!! The girls are staying at Grandma's and Grandpa's. Scrappy is staying with Uncle Tom.

They are supposed to give me something for the nausea this time, so that hopefully the anesthesia won't bother me as much. For some reason I don't think it will. Again, maybe b/c I am not stressing as much. I also don't expect to be down for long. Who knows, I may get surprised on that one! I know I won't be doing all my normal stuff for awhile, but again, thinking it won't be too bad. Niave?? Maybe.

Off to finish my list up and take some time to relax. I will post again a soon as I can.