Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Done done done done done!!! No more Taxol. On to Herceptin every 3 weeks. 90 minute infusion, don't see dr again until Aug 28th! The three weeks in between will feel like a vacation! A lot of the ladies do something to celebrate this. I really can't think of anything to do. And I know I am not going to feel the best or be able to taste anything correctly for a couple weeks yet. Plus, I guess I don't feel totally done until I am done with the Herceptin. There are a couple of ladies that also swear on glutamine powder,to help with the aches. I can't find this stuff. I guess GNC has it, but I haven't been by one of those in ages. Maybe I'll take a run up there tomorrow. It is worth a try. Also need to get Vitamin E, as the dr said this and Vitamin B6 (which I already take) help with the hot flashes. I also need this hair to start growing!!! Tired of having to put on my hair (I don't wear it around the house) just to run a simple errand. I am not comfortable yet going out in the scarf. I am guessing as it gets hotter--that may change!

I forgot to mention in my last post that Sean was christened Sunday. John is the godfather. Susie is godmother. It was also Ethan's 4th birthday party.

Our relay event is this Friday. If you have been thinking about making a donation, now is the time, links are on the right. If you have already made a donation-THANK YOU!

Criss Angel's new season started on A&E tonight. He is an illusionist. If you have not seen his show, you really should. The man is amazing. He always has people all around him. You would think if they caught on to how he does it, they would be blabbing. They made mention of Cirque du Soliel working with him on a Vegas show. It must not be finished yet though, b/c I can't find any info on it. John and I are talking about going to Vegas in March (there is a race you know! ;)). If Criss Angel has a show--I have to see it!

John went with me today. He had to be completely bored! I slept from the benedryl for about 3 hours. Ok, maybe half of it was not a good sleep, but I still wasn't good company. Of course we came home and I was still a little tired, then as normal, the steroids kicked in about 9pm. But I should go get my jammies on and see if I can fall asleep. If not, maybe catch a good movie.

Good night!