Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ups and Downs

Well this has been an interesting week to say the least! Saturday I was still extremely achy (and I do mean EXTREMELY!) but felt fine otherwise. Sunday, I started out a little less achy, and feeling ok, but by the end of the day I was achy again, and tired. Friday and Saturday night I had taken Tylenol PM to help sleep and help not be achy. It worked. Took it Sunday night and it didn't help!! Yesterday and today I woke up with a bit of a sour belly. Worse today, I have a feeling (or hope anyway) that it will get better as the day goes on. Not straying to far from the bathroom for now though.

June 5th. That is what I am shooting for right now. I won't be feeling normal then, but it is my last Taxol, so within a few weeks of that I should be feeling normal! Then will be surgery--recovery for that will be similar to the mastectomy, maybe even a little stricter as far as what I can and can't do. I will have to be careful that I don't do anything to pop the internal stitches and have the expander move on me.

This weather is gorgeous!! I love having the windows open! We have even been leaving some of them open at night!

We have a busy weekend coming up. Saturday I meeting some of the Chicago area YSC ladies (the girls will be at Grandma's). Sunday we have a banquet for Haley's gymnastics. The banquet is a bit of a rip off!! The kids get in free, then it is $15 for every other family member. I realize that it would be a big expense on them to pay for everyone, but the kids have to have one adult with them to even get there, so I am thinking a better option would be to have the child and one parent covered, pay for the rest of the family. Jenn (who's 3 day link is on the right) has a can set up at gymnastics to collect money. She asked me during the Spring Program if Sari could make some kind of announcement during the banquet-I told her I would think about it. If she is just announcing that she is collecting money--I don't care. If my name will be thrown in there, I don't know. I want people to know this can happen to younger women, and putting a face to it drives this home. But I don't know if I want that moment when everyone turns around and stares! I need to talk to Haley about too and see how she feels about it.