Saturday, May 26, 2007

Achy, Achy Go Away....

..and don't come back another day!! This is driving me absolutely crazy. I feel like I am 175 years old. I have to get up super slow, I can't get anywhere fast. And the ache is everywhere. The plus is that this only lasts 3-4 days (yes--I actually said ONLY), where the nausea was the full two weeks. I don't believe I will be walking much at the Relay this year. I will be in this "achy" window then too. Although, at least it will be the last one. Honestly, my wrist is killing me too, so this will be a short post. I will be taking a vicadin soon to help with this. While we were out watching the pool fill (kind of goes with watching paint dry!) my eyes did this funky thing. If I closed one eye I could see ok, but with both open, I was seeing double. And my left eye felt funny. I will have to mention that to the dr next time.

Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend!!