Friday, October 17, 2008

Too Funny...

My Mom sent me this (thanks Mom!) it is hilarious!!

Wanda Sykes Campaigns For Cabinet Position On Last Night's Leno

I also added a new link on the right. This is a presentation that my friend Jen put together. She works at a college, and was asked to do a breast cancer presentation. She was to do this in person Monday and Tuesday next week, however, she recently found out that her cancer is back and has spread to her bones. Monday she will be having her ooph (ovaries removed), so will be unable to give the talk in person. That is a shame as she has done such a nice job. The presentation is about 40 minutes long, but if you have the time PLEASE watch it. As of this post, it is split into three sections, so you will have to click on each part individually. At some point it may become all one session.