Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Two Down - Six to Go....

Or even better, 2 down, 2 to go of the nasty stuff. The next drug isn't supposed to be as bad. Being tired and bone aches are the side effects of the next one.

Well, knock on wood, this time is MUCH better! I had a headache yesterday, and trouble sleeping last night, but I'll take that over last time. They said they gave me a different anti-nausea med in the IV. I also took a Zofran (anti-nausea) before I left. I made the girls and I pancakes for breakfast, so I actually had food in my belly too. Plus I didn't stress myself out beforehand. The dr. has prescribed a steroid for me to take for 3 days starting today to help also. There was some in the IV which is probably why I didn't sleep well last night. So I guess I may be up the next few nights too. But I don't feel too bad now for not having any sleep. I was feeling a little off around 9 last night. That is the only way I know how to describe it. The little bit of sleep I got must have helped that though.

I talked to the dr about the Nuelasta shot. I was wondering if this shot got rid of the need to stay out of crowds or away from sick people. He said not really. The blood count would still go down before the Nuelasta brought it back up, and there is no way to pinpoint when that dip would be. I'm guessing if we did daily blood tests they could tell, but no thank you! He said to play it real safe the first week, then second week play it safe, but I wouldn't have to be as conscious of it. He said (obviously) if I go to a program at the school, don't sit next to the hacking, snotting guy, and don't hang around afterwards to chit chat. I guess I will be going against that a little this week, as I plan to take the girls to the High School Musical this week. They are doing "Singing in the Rain".

I started shedding yesterday. My head felt funny Sunday--kind of like when you wear a ponytail too long and your hair hurts right at the scalp. I am curious to see the progress, I have one baggie of hair from yesterday, and one from this morning already. The one from yesterday though doesn't count the hair that fell out when I was at chemo. I made the mistake of wearing a black hoodie, and when I stopped in the bathroom, I had a hood full of blond hair! Oops! I called Cindy to see when she would be available to shave it off. Not that I have bald spots yet--my hair is (was) extremely thick, but the hairs sliding down my arms is a little too much!! She had a friend though that had sinus cancer, and I don't know her chemo regimen, but Cindy cut her hair short first and she got another month out of that before needing to shave. I'm not big on short hair, but I'm not big on bald either! Not that cutting it short will stop it from coming out, it won't. But if they are shorter hairs falling out, and being combed out, I might be more bearable. I have 2 more doses of this drug, the next one, some people actually have their hair grow back on. So maybe, I can keep the short hair til then?? Is my hair thick enough that I won't loose it all?? Could I be that lucky?? I can dream can't I?? When I get to Cindy's and she washes it, she will be able to tell better if it is even worth it.

I also got fitted for my prosthesis yesterday. The lady doing the fitting was really nice. We had a few laughs while I was there. Of course one of the boxes was marked wrong, so I have to pick up my left on Friday!! LOL!!

Oh--no chemopause yet, but I think this may have been the last period. I think that is part of why I was feeling so crappy after the last round too.

The ultra sound (us) went fine Friday, and I haven't heard anything from the dr., which is a good sign! The tech had some measurements to make, and isn't a dr. but said she believes the MUGA scan was wrong. YEAH!

My oncologist is leaving. He was offered a job in South Carolina, where him and his wife have always wanted to go back to. The other dr. in the office has been practicing for 18 years, and has written several papers. The only problem is that instead of going on Mondays, I now have to go Tuesdays. He isn't in the office on Mondays. If they find a replacement for Dr.G, I can go back to Mondays. This works out for the next time actually b/c the girls are off of school. It changes my finish date though from June 4th to June 5th. I guess I can live with that!

This weather is absolutely awesome!! The high we are supposed to hit today (72) is the first time we will have hit that since Oct. 31! Of course we will have to drop back for a little while, but we are almost there!!! YEAH!! Even at 60 degrees, I was turning off the heat and opening the back door to get some fresh air in here.

And have you noticed....Robins, Robins everywhere!!!!