Monday, December 11, 2006

And the search begins....

Well I am still waiting for some phone calls to be returned. One from Dr. B (my surgeon). Just looking for his input on all of this. And John wanted me to ask him if he knows another plastic surgeon (his nurse said no), if he can practice at any other hospitals (besides St. Mary's-no and that puts us in the same situation), and what other options we have. The only real option unfortunately is delayed reconstruction. I am waiting for a call back from the Breast Navigator (yes, that is her title, she is a nurse). I want to bounce some things off her and get her opinions. I am waiting for a call back from the American Cancer Society, I want to see if they could put me in touch with someone who has been through this that can give me a name for a plastic surgeon.

I did talk to insurance and get a few things worked out. Or got an answer to my questions anyway.

My oncologist Dr. G did call me back. He said the reconstruction can be done before chemo. There will be a good 4-6 week, possibly up to an 8 week gap between the mastectomy and chemo. He said the expander placement isn't that bad and I could probably even do it about a week before chemo started. Could also be done during chemo, but that is not the best situation. Not a bad one, just would be better if it could be done before or wait until after. I am thinking that if I can't have immediate reconstruction, than we will go for as close to as possible.

Got a couple of names from my gyn and from family. None of these people are on our insurance though. We can go to anybody, but of course if we use someone in network--we save more. This will not make my decision for me, but if I can find an in network dr. that will be even better. I did get some names from insurance, and I found some on line on the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. One that I found online and is part of our insurance is a woman, I kind of like this idea! Hopefully she is good. In talking with her receptionist, I felt comfortable. I had a lot of questions, and she took her time with me and answered what she could. Dr. S does place both expanders at the same time, it is an outpatient procedure. Fills are once a week til you get where you want to be. Swaps are also an outpatient procedure. I went ahead and set up and appt. with her. The soonest I could get in is Jan 12th. If something comes up earlier, she will call. I hope to get this rolling sooner (if I like her). If she is able to get me in sooner, I will jump at the chance. Hopefully John would be able to meet me there at least. If not, then I will have to go on my own.

The second one I called was on the site also, and on my insurance. But, I got an extremely long automated system, then a voice mail system. Which really puts me off, I didn't leave a message. I'm still debating if I will call them back.

I would like to call a couple of more, just to have a few to pick from and not be stuck with anyone.

We did have a nice weekend. Saturday we took the girls to the mall so they could shop for each other. We started with Jenna going with John and Haley with me. Well, the girls had spent the night before at a friend's house and they were tired. Jenna can get a bit crabby when she is tired, and when she is hungry also--watch out. Well she wouldn't really do anything, so John wanted us to switch. After that they found something for each other rather quickly. It might have been our fastest trip yet!! Afterwards we went to the Outback to eat.

Sunday we went to John's Mom and Dad's. It was a nice relaxing day. My Sister in Law Susie has an old laptop that she is not using. She brought this over for me to use while I am in the hospital. I had mentioned renting one for that, and Susie mentioned having this extra one. This is awesome!! Hopefully I can get the internet in the hospital!!

Tomorrow will probably be spent on the phone again. Maybe to a couple more plastic surgeons. I need to do a little running. Dr. G told me he got the go ahead to do the BRCA test (genetic test). So all I have to do is sign a consent form and they draw some blood. So I figure that I can do that and stop at Lowes to get the rebate for the delivery on our fridge.