Thursday, November 30, 2006


The outpouring of love and support I have felt the last month or so is amazing!! I mean I have a great family (probably the best), and I have always known that they love me and are there for me. My friends have been letting me know that they are there also, and how much they care. It brings me to tears sometimes! This is a huge help in and of itself. I have read too often on the YSC boards of friends and family deserting someone during this time-can you believe it? To have such a support system as I do is a wonderful thing.

I have my MRI in the morning. I really do hope the roads are clear by then. It is sleeting out right now. The MRI is going to take about 2 hours I was told. Maybe I should stay up tonight so I am tired and sleep through it! I am going to bring my MP3 player, but I doubt they will let me use it. I believe I have to stay pretty still during this too. Hopefully this cold lets up so I am not sneezing or coughing!

Afterwards I am going to go Christmas shopping--weather providing. I would like to have things done by next weekend--or at least most of it. I managed to do that one year, and Christmas was so stress free and wonderful!!

I signed our team up for the Relay for Life in Frankfort again. It is getting to be time to think about that again. After all these years of being a team captain--it is personal this year! To visit out team page click here.

Cinemax has been showing Star Wars like crazy lately. I have to say it has been a great distraction. "The Empire Strikes Back" is on now. Maybe I will go veg for awhile on that.